Multispectral sensor

SCP is a LED based 12 channels emission and 16 channels detection optical multispectral sensor plus a visible band photodiode. LEDs are used both as light sources and wavelength selective photodetectors and can be driven with up to 200mA for high optical output power.

 Any one LED can be used for light emission and any other LED or photodiode can be used for measurement. Light emission and measurement can be performed with a lock-in amplifier modulation at a user programmable frequency, both the in-phase and quadrature components can be acquired. Use of the lock-in technique helps reducing interference from environmental light to the measurement.

Light fluorescence can be observed by exciting the target with one LED and measuring fluorescent spectral components with the other sensor LED. By modulating the exciting LED at programmatic frequencies with the lock-in technique, the measured quadrature component is related to time shifts of the excitation, allowing to perform time resolved spectroscopies.


Supply Voltage3.0-6.0V
Max Current250mA max when driving an high power LED
Size12x15mm, 3mm thickness
InterfaceI3C, I2C or SENSIBUS, single data wire multidrop sensor array cable interface, 1.5-3.3V
Unique IdentifierOTP 48bits Unique Device Identifier, 16bits User Defined
Lock-In Amplifier Frequency100Hz to 1MHz
Peak emission wavelength385nm, 405nm, 450nm, 470nm, 500nm, 530nm, 568nm, 590nm, 615nm, 619nm, 850nm, 940nm
Coherent demodulation1st, 2nd or 3rd harmonic
OutputReciprocal of real or imagery component
Photoresponse spectral range (@10%)325-426nm, 344-444nm, 365-465nm, 380-472nm, 452-605nm, 459-612nm, 480-630nm, 543-630nm, 545-638nm, 595-664nm, 624-967nm, 745-862nm, 748-967nm
Range-40°C to 125°C
Thermodynamicscalorimetry, enthalpy, exo/endothermic



  • Food analysis
  • Plants health
  • Pharmacy and Cosmetics
  • Water contaminants
  • Liquid, solid material analysis
  • Biophotonics
  • Content determination
  • Chemometrics

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